Dairy Shed Rubberware Review

Get the most from your dairy shed this season. It pays to correctly set up your milking system and perform regular maintenance checks. Do you need help troubleshooting a rubberware issue in the dairy shed? Are you looking to improve the efficiency of your milking system? For recommendations and expert advice on your rubberware requirements this season, request a free 15 minute review of your dairy shed below. Your local Skellerup Technical Specialist will be in touch to organise a suitable time to come visit your farm. 

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Dairy Shed Rubberware Review
What you can expect

Get ahead this season, book a free rubberware review with your local Skellerup Technical Specialist. You can expect the following to be covered:

  • Isolate and troubleshoot issues in the dairy shed
  • Rubberware recommendations to suit your milking equipment and dairy herd
  • Expert advice to help you maximise milking efficiency and cow health
  • A rubberware maintenance plan

We’re here to help you improve efficiency in the dairy shed, so can achieve shorter milkings and alleviate risks to cow health.

Skellerup Dairy On-farm story

It was great to have Skellerup on farm today to go over our rubberware, we got some really useful tips on how to get the most out of our dairy shed.

Running a twice-a-day milking operation through a 60-bail rotary, the Ginders’ are milking a 1,200-strong herd at Medstone Dairy in Hawarden, North Canterbury. Always looking to improve milking performance, they kicked off the season right by booking a free rubberware review. Watch the video below to see what Sean got out of the day, and his top tips for the dairy shed.


Skellerup on-farm story


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